There is no doubt that the US recession has had a dramatic impact on major economies such as UK and Australia, but offshore outsourcing still remains the way to proceed for most of the behemoth business empires in countries such as US and UK. Offshore outsourcing continues to be the success formula for several companies as it helps them cut their operational costs and take their businesses to an all-together new level.
According to the 2009 World Outsourcing Summit held by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) on February 16-18 in Carlsbad, California, it was inferred that Outsourcing will continue to rule the roost in the coming years because of a slew of justified reasons.
With competition getting deeper; customers are more interested in expertise of services which is why choosing a professional offshore outsourcing company will highly be valued in the years to come.
There is no doubt that outsourcing deals have been slowed down due to the ongoing economic meltdown, and therefore weak outsourcing vendors are more likely to exit the market, or will be eaten up by the strong outsourcing companies.